Enhancing Quality through UX
Situation & Challenge
With the need and frequent demand for time-in-motion studies from their client, and the considerable amount of time consumed to collect a sample size sufficient to generate meaningful insights.
This company encountered delays in delivering the requested studies in a timely manner.
Alongside the disruption of some of its crucial CX activities due to dedicating a number of their QA resources to conduct the exercise.
• Ideating & developing a desktop application consuming minimal screen space with an interface that enables QA specialists to mark the start and end of different call components with ease while performing their day-to-day evaluations. ( Consuming under 30 seconds per evaluation after the first 2 days)
• Enabling the development of dynamic dashboards to reflect the collected data and auto-update the results on a daily basis.
Solution Steps
✓ Eliminating the diversion of QA resources from their primary responsibilities.
✓ Turning 100% of QA evaluations into time-in-motion activities.
✓ Simplifying the process and having
on demand year-round TIM data when needed.
✓ Measuring the call components of each call type.
✓ Developing new approaches to AHT coaching.
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