CASE STUDY | Telecomm Sector
Query Log Tool & TNAs
Leveraging new hires’ questions to Improve CX operations & training outcomes; enhancing PK & SS
Situation & Challenge
New hires in the account mgmt department receive a 4-week induction training followed by a 6-week nesting phase with extra SMEs for product knowledge and soft skills improvement. Despite this training and support, new agents struggle to reach weekly targets, repeat questions, lack understanding of various call types and
struggle with objection handling.
Taking responsibility of CX OPS development, the status quo quickly turned into question on how to improve the training’s effectiveness, identify the most challenging cases, understand the impact on customer experience scores in the first 4 weeks and whether it is agent, system, product or process related.
Revamped the SME support process directing SMEs to document agent queries through a phone/desktop tool with a friendly UI/UX. (Documenting the agent, call type and the aspect/area of challenge; system knowledge, product knowledge, process knowledge, soft skills).
• Developed an automated TNA dashboard to inform mgmt of challenges on a queue level and to inform team leads, SMEs and QA coaches of their teams’ & individuals development areas.
• Redirected on-job trainings and briefings to address the common pain points for each team as per QLT results & redirected 1 on 1 coachings to address each individual’s development areas.
• Designed a QA session to share best practices on handling the most challenging call types from a soft skills & objection handling perspective and included the session in the induction training. (Redesigned quarterly)
• Provided the training team’s mgmt with a weekly report on new waves performance in each topic & aspect.
Solution Steps
✓ Focus group achieved the operational targets one week ahead of the glidepath.
✓ Reduced SMEs ratio to 1:7 instead of 1:5 after the first 2 weeks.
✓ Utilized the buffered/availed SMEs to conduct additional QA activities & soft skills sessions.
✓ Reassessed & revamped the induction training syllabus to increase effectiveness.
✓ Created a feedback loop between CX OPS & training teams, measuring trainers’ effectiveness in delivering each topic and pin-pointing development areas + revamping trainers’ KPIs.
Points increase in
nesting teams NPs
Heads reduction in
Support Staff
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